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Are you cut out for A Levels?

Do you struggle to self-study? Do you find lots of extra reading hard work? Do you often miss deadlines? A Levels open an incredible door to lifelong opportunity, but for some it’s not the best route.

If you are currently doing GCSEs, it can be hard to decide on a career. A Levels can offer a breathing space before you finally decide. That said, it is not an easy option as A Level study can be hard work, as with anything you pursue in life.

Here at 121 Home Tutors we’ve worked with countless students who embark on A levels, so thought it useful to give you the A Level lowdown on what it actually means.

What is it really like to study A Levels?

Workload increases

Spoon-feeding ends when you start your two year journey. Instead, individual workload is ramped up… You’ll need to read more out of class, self-study and stick to deadlines.

Organisation rules

Work can pile up if you don’t get yourself organised. Because teachers won’t badger you in the same way as they did during your GCSEs, it’s down to you to get yourself organised.

For starters, use free periods to study – not sit about socialising. Put systems in place to remind yourself when work is due in. Stick to it.

Fascinating journey

Studying A Levels that YOU have chosen makes studying those subjects so much more fun, rewarding, interesting. Studying what you are interested in will be more motivating, and geared towards your next step beyond A Levels.

Just think: you’ll have the chance to geek-out in your favourite subjects… Yay!

Boost your experiences

If you choose A Levels as you are good at them, enjoy them and they fit with a chosen career, it’s wise to devote some time over those two years to extending your passion.

That might mean you get involved in some extra curricular activities related to your subjects. It could mean you do some charity work, or get involved with National projects etc.

A Levels are not just all about studying. In fact, if you opt for a University degree, you’ll need to show them in your personal statement that you have actively participated in a range of activities.

Here’s the kicker…

To study your chosen A Levels subjects, make sure you know what GCSE grades you need. Even if your target grade is lower than you need as you’ve not worked consistently, it’s never too late.

Get in touch with us if you are lagging behind, want to skyrocket your grades, or make your study path certain. One to one tuition can make all the difference!

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