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Homeschooling Benefits and Pitfalls

homeschooling benefits

Did you catch our blog post, ‘Is Homeschooling Right For You?’ exploring some of the reasons why parents choose alternative education for their child?

As promised, let’s focus on the positives – especially if you’ve battled with the system for … years.

Instead of feeling exhausted by relentless upset, how wonderful to realise that there IS a way forward

For instance, learning at home cuts school pressures in half. Benefits can include:

  • A flexible schedule based on your child’s interests
  • Improved mental health
  • A different but equally valuable education set at your child’s pace
  • A customised curriculum to help reduce anxiety, and build resilience

You don’t have to do it alone either. One option is to enlist the invaluable support of a private tutor, experienced in this specialist teaching.

Homeschooling Benefits Starting Today

  1. Because learning at home offers a quieter space, children often feel more able to engage with a tutor  – something that those with anxiety or special educational needs (such as Autism) yearn for.
  2. Personalised one-to-one support framed in kindness and patience can result in miraculous change.
  3. With many anxiety triggers removed, your child will find it easier to relax and be open to learning with a tutor who listens.

Top Three Pitfalls to Avoid

Of course, it’s not all plain sailing. Watch out for:

  1. Parental burnout. Overseeing day-to-day teaching, planning, and managing can overwhelm parents. Setting realistic goals and seeking tutor support can help balance the workload.
  2. Gaps in knowledge. It can take some time to get to grips with core subjects so that you know where to start.  Making time to explore isn’t always easy during busy family life
  3. Lack of Social Interaction: Children may miss opportunities to interact with peers. What group activities, clubs, or sports could you arrange to avoid this?

Interestingly, these pitfalls needn’t hold you back. In fact, it’s just a question of being creative sometimes.

Where to Go From Here?

Sometimes, it’s ever so reassuring to speak to someone who is experienced in homeschooling.

Having supported many parents over the years, our door is always open if you, too, need to chat about the options in confidence.

We’re right here.


Image courtesy of Watermill Accounting

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