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Archive for the ‘English’ Category

Master Speech Writing for GCSE English Language

Monday, November 4th, 2024

Hands up! How many of us have ever given a speech to an audience? Perhaps instead you’ve heard some cracking speeches from world leaders, or celebrities persuading their audience to act on a specific issue? Because they make it seem sooooo easy, it can seem hard to write a decent speech in 45 minutes. Transactional […]

Exclusive English Literature Revision Tips

Tuesday, April 30th, 2024

By the time you reach year 11, you’ll have studied plays, modern and Victorian texts, as well as a bunch of poetry – not to mention a series of unseen fiction and non-fiction for English Language. That’s a LOT of reading! As a subject in its own right, it’s important to understand how to best […]

Unlock Three Mysteries Behind GCSE Unseen Poetry

Monday, August 28th, 2023

Every student studying GCSE Literature must get to grips with an unseen poem … fast! On first reading, you find yourself in a dark room full of mystery trying to make sense of where you are.. As you read line by line again,  you glean chinks of light – and if lucky, key techniques flash […]

How to Memorise Killer Quotes

Monday, March 27th, 2023

As a core GCSE subject, you can’t avoid memorising quotes. And with several English Literature texts to study, that adds up to a huge honeypot of quotes! Just like Pooh Bear, it can be heard to memorise lots of quotes, especially when they all seem so important. Where do you start? Memorise Versatile Quotes What […]

Need to pass your GCSE English Language first time round?

Thursday, October 28th, 2021

GCSE English Language is a sought-after qualification which you HAVE TO PASS at GCSE level. Along with Maths, English Lang is part of the retake system students enter up to age 18 in the UK – if they’ve not achieved grade 4. Both English Language and Maths GCSE are entry requirements to A Levels, Further […]

Get on top of your Literature Revision

Thursday, February 6th, 2020

Have you noticed that GCSE literature texts seem to swallow up so much lesson time in your first GCSE year? With everything on your plate, it’s fairly typical to reach year 11 feeling totally overwhelmed by what you seem to have FORGOTTEN! As the dreaded mocks approach, questions such as ‘Who is Macbeth again..?’ and […]

Achieve your English GCSE the Easier Way

Tuesday, January 28th, 2020

Since posting, ‘Can you really revise GCSE English?’ it’s interesting to note that this remains a core subject which many students continue to struggle with. But why? Many of our local students across Manchester and Cheshire tell us that the combination of Language and Literature swallows up so much time. It can take weeks to […]

Why it is vital to learn reading skills for exam success

Wednesday, March 6th, 2019

Hot on the heels of our popular recent post on Dyslexia, we’re back to help your child access reading and harness helpful tools. One of the biggest problems our 121 tutor team come across is children who struggle to process information – and therefore answer questions correctly under exam conditions. Some children sitting SATs, Entrance […]

Can you really revise GCSE English?

Friday, January 4th, 2019

It is an age-old myth that you can’t revise for English. More so than ever, it’s essential that you do well in your English GCSE, as it’s a core subject qualification which further Education colleges and sixth forms expect you to have under your belt. That’s why you need to: Get to grips with the […]

Is writing a write-off for your son?

Monday, March 5th, 2018

Is writing a write-off for your boy? Research shows that there is still a gender gap between boys and girls. In fact, girls are twice more likely than boys to get writing outside of lessons. Plus, girls enjoy writing far more than boys in school. Is your son the same? It’s a worry as writing is an essential […]