Would you hire a private tutor for your two year old? Believe it or not some parents do. Recent reports have suggested that parents are signing very young children up for elocution lessons to prepare them for future educational settings such as prep school or Oxbridge. So is tutoring at such a young age necessarily a bad thing?
- Many parents argue that they have to get a tutor for their young children not because they want to but because of the education system. It’s not an issue in every part of the country but in London there is fierce competition for good state schools and many parents turn to paid for education and entrance exams to give their child a decent education. What this does mean is that some children need some help to prepare for those tests and so tutoring might be a necessary evil.
- Children are meant to learn – it’s what we’re programmed to do. Most children, given the chance, will absorb huge amounts of information and love learning. That doesn’t mean that tutors should be the ones doing the teaching but parents are busy and sometimes might need a bit of a support (but we do think teaching for young children is best done by those closest to them).
- We’ve written before about tutoring for primary school children and how it can help with confidence and teach them to love learning. There are plenty of reasons why using a tutor when your child is 5, 6 or 7 might be a good thing.
If you’d like to know more about tutoring for younger and primary aged school children drop us a line. 121 Home Tutors cover Manchester and Cheshire.
Tags: Choosing a tutor, Primary, private tutoring for young children, private tutoring in Manchester