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How to stay on top of new term nerves

Whether your child is starting a new term, new school, or is moving into new classes, the same happens every year! Panic stations…

New situations, new people, a new routine can feel overwhelming – even for teachers! So it’s normal for our kids to feel the jitters at the start of a new experience.

How can you help them feel better about things? What really works with kids?

To combat the jitters…

  1. Have a chat. It can hugely help to share that school nervous are normal. Remind your child that everyone gets butterflies in their stomach when starting something new. Share a time when you felt the same. Before you knew it. those butterflies vanished. It’s true… Once you find a friend, get stuck into an activity, or get used to routine, those early fears just go.
  2. Stick to routine. Kids need structure, right? School routines are definitely one way to help your child cope better. Get into the swing of structured meal times and bed time routines: pack school bags, prepare lunchboxes, lay uniform/PE kit out the night before. We can’t guarantee a totally chaos-free back-to-school day, but at least you can avoid several headaches!
  3. Enjoy life outside the classroom. Schools offer loads of after-school sports or clubs nowadays. Not only can this be a brilliant way for your child to find like-minded friends, but it also boosts social skills. Clubs can attract different year groups too, giving your child a fantastic opportunity to get to know a wider circle of people. Who knows, your child might even be talent-spotted!

Need more practical ideas? Check out our popular Survival Guide blog from a few years back. Stuffed with useful advice, it can help parents manage multi-tasking too!

More than just nerves?

Some children struggle to shake off those early nerves or fears. They might even be carrying around a bag full of worries from their last academic year…

If your child’s confidence is at rock bottom, new lessons have triggered anxiety, or learning problems have developed, it can help to arrange some personal tuition with one of our lovely tutors.

Reassurance, patience and kindness – plus lots of learning strategies – can turn even the most reluctant, worried young person around. Just get in touch with our tutor team here when you’re ready.

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