It came out of the blue… All of a sudden learning transferred to home.
However best we all coped in that unprecedented pandemic, students took the biggest hit. As we explored in our lockdown post at the time, remote learning on such a huge scale didn’t work for everyone.
Work was set remotely, and although there were some live lessons, there was little interaction with teachers – and that’s what caused setbacks in learning. To this day, we are seeing negative affects of lockdown learning.
Rather than whinge about the past, let’s look at what can make a difference in the future.
What kind of ‘learning’ do our kids need?
Individual attention. NOTHING beats personal interaction. Yet it’s a fallacy when our children are at school that they enjoy this all the time.
With 30 children in a class – all needing personal help – it is not possible for our kids to get the help they need. Teachers are trojans and try their level best.
But they cannot spend a whole hour with your child when it’s truly needed.
Meaningful feedback. Theses days, very little feedback comes home to us as parents so we assume everything is ticking along nicely.
The truth is, detailed feedback is impossible when teachers are stretched so thinly – even in private schools.
We often work with teens who have completed exams, get a mark back but no individual help in sifting through what the issues were and how to rectify them.
Teachers often use generic marking frames, with feedback designed to say where students are now. The problem with this is that at ground level many students can’t translate what improvement really looks like in their case.
Navigation through barriers
We all need someone to show us the way sometimes and explain how to do something, without an audience watching us fail.
This is what it is like for so many of our children who hate putting their hand up in class, or drawing attention to their issues.
Lockdown learning removed the opportunity to get some one to one help. Yet, the truth is, many children at school find it inhibiting to seek help from teachers during their every day.
If your child struggles to understand the foundation of a subject, they will inevitably struggle to understand concepts as things get more difficult.
An inevitable lack of confidence and progress takes over. Awful…
Look forward not back
This past year, our private tutor team here at 121 Home Tutors have seen the education fallout.
Children behind, parents struggling to support at home, dipped exam grades. Rather than lament what’s happened, let’s look to the future.
This is where personal tuition comes into its own. Our wonderful team pick up the pieces and put them together again.
Your child will get the individual support they need, individual feedback on where they are going wrong and how to put it right – all in the comfort of their own home.
Many students even prefer one to one help online now when they realise it’s just them and their tutor in their online room.
Plus, because their tutor finds ways to help them engage, learning stops feeling like a chore. Our children look forward to our tutors working with them!
Contact our tuition team for a chat about how a course of personalised support can help your child thrive too.
- Image courtesy of all about learning press
Tags: confidence issues, exams, lockdown learning