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Posts Tagged ‘homeschooling’

How to keep learning through the Coronavirus Crisis

Wednesday, April 1st, 2020

The global pandemic has hit the world for six! Here in the UK, schools have closed for the foreseeable, thrusting most parents into the position of being home tutor. Most for the first time in their lives! Schools are supplying plenty of homework, daily learning challenges and packs of information to wade through. While some […]

When is it time to call in a private tutor?

Tuesday, June 5th, 2018

You know yourself that life doesn’t always go to plan. As adults we learn to pick ourselves up and keep going. At least sometimes… Our children, however, might feel so stuck in a learning maze that they can’t find the obvious way out. And it happens a lot more common than you’d think. Has your child missed school? Perhaps your child […]