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Posts Tagged ‘anxiety’

Is your child really ready for the new term?

Wednesday, July 29th, 2020

Does the thought of a new term worry you? Has your child struggled like mad the past few months? Is your child prepared to take on new challenges? Are entrance or final GCSEs or A Level exams looming? With the Covid-19 pandemic severely affecting education, there is no doubt that our children will have experienced […]

How to spot if your child has mental health issues

Tuesday, March 24th, 2020

Mental health issues strike most of us at some point in our lives. If you are a regular reader, you’ll know that we often mention student stress, anxiety and mindfulness as young people are now affected by it more than ever before. Children go through a testing time through puberty as it is, so it […]

Revision techniques that rock

Monday, February 4th, 2019

Being asked to ‘Revise’ for homework is every student’s nightmare – more so if your child has SEND. Why? The fact is that most students simply don’t know how. Usually a child will sit at their desk at home with their texts and exercise books wondering where to start. Feeling overwhelmed, most give up – […]

Is your child anxious?

Monday, January 25th, 2016

With worrying statistics hitting the headlines, it’s important to understand how anxiety can affect young people – and what you can do to help. First off, anxiety stops us from focusing properly – making it harder to learn. Research shows that when information enters the brain of an anxious person, it isn’t processed properly or stored in long-term […]