Are you/your child in the first year of A level (sixth form) studies? Maybe you have just sat the first A level (AS) module exams? If your grades are not as expected, then you’re not alone. The jump between GCSE and A Level is, in most subjects, enormous. Most students struggle to adapt in the […]
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Posts Tagged ‘GCSE to A level’
GCSE to A-Level – Making the Jump
Sunday, August 18th, 2013Lorna’s journey
Wednesday, August 7th, 2013If you read our blog regularly, follow us on facebook or twitter (@121HomeTutors) you may have seen us mention Alison’s niece, Lorna, in the last few weeks. Alison, MD at 121 Home Tutors, wanted to show the journey that Lorna is going through at the moment. A few weeks ago she was sitting her GCSEs […]
How long should I spend revising?
Wednesday, April 17th, 2013It’s only a few weeks until GCSE and A Level exams, with many starting in mid May and running until mid June. It’s when our students start to turn their minds to revision. The most frequent question we get from students is when they should start revising. They also want to know how and what […]
GCSE Results Day
Thursday, August 23rd, 2012You’ve worked very hard and probably had a very nervous last few days but the wait is finally over, it’s GCSE Results Day. We get lots of calls on results day and in the weeks after, often from students who haven’t got the grades they wanted or expected and don’t quite know what to do […]
Changes to GCSE
Monday, April 16th, 2012This year we will start to see changes to GCSEs, moving away from modular schemes and the opportunity for multiple resits back to a linear (terminal) exam system where all exams are taken in one sitting at the end of the course. These changes have come out a lack of confidence in the GCSE qualification […]
GCSE’s, iGCSE’s, EBacc’s and certificates
Wednesday, October 5th, 2011In the last few years there have been significant changes to qualifications at GCSE and A Level . The content has been regularly reviewed and the format of exams and gradings has changed to include an A* for A Levels. The modular exam route for both GCSE’s and AS and A2 levels has increased in popularity – […]
GCSE Results Day
Wednesday, August 24th, 2011With AS, A2 and A Level results behind us it’s now time to congratulate (and help out) those of you who’ve just got GCSE results. Hopefully they are everything you hoped for and you are now ready to move onto college to do AS, A2 and A Level courses or another type of further education […]
Top tips to help you cope on exam day
Monday, June 6th, 2011If you are doing your GCSE, iGCSE, AS or A2 then this is going to be a very busy time for you. Exam season is now in full swing and you’ve probably got a calendar full of revision and exams. This month we’ll be focussing on exams and how to get through them, bringing you […]