Nowadays it feels like Science exams are sprung on you all the time! Term-time tests, mocks, teacher assessments. But what if you keep underachieving?
If you’re serious about a career in science – from Veterinary science to Marine Biology, Medicine to Engineering – you’ll need to smash those GCSE and A Level grades. A*s, no less.
Despite MSM complaints about how many A*s are issues annually, the truth is you need to work hard to achieve those grades. But how?
Killer Study Hacks for Science Exam Glory
- LEARN FROM YOUR MISTAKES. This is ESSENTIAL. Turn failure into success by going through tests and assessments with a fine-tooth comb to extract ALL the questions you struggled with. Then focus on these areas in revision sessions.
- READ EXAMINERS’ REPORTS. You’ll find past papers online, along with examiners’ reports for those papers. Exam techniques aplenty await you – what to do and what NOT to do.
- APPLY WHAT YOU LEARN. If you endlessly revise, make flashcards, read books, you will only achieve so much. Apply that knowledge to actual past questions, and you’ll discover exactly what examiners are looking for. Along with examiners’ reports, exam boards publish mark schemes too. Yes, it might seem time-consuming, but it’s time well spent.
- BREAK IT DOWN. Science modules are full to the rafters with information. Avoid overwhelm: create revision cards as you go along. So aim to break down a module into separate topics to make future Science exams easier to revise for. You can start it any time too. If you struggled with a topic in a recent test, start with that module.
- GET SMART: PRIORITISE. This is a tough one, especially if you have a part-time job, do lots of sports and extracurricular activities. But, in truth, exams are your gateway to a great career so it makes sense to prioritise revision. Don’t revise 24/7, though. But do temporarily spend more time at your study desk than away from it.
More tips right here to help you smash GCSE and A Level Science revision…
Still struggling to revise Science? Read for the stars instead!
Science can be hard to get your head around. If Maths (especially equations and formulae) is your nemesis, Physics can be a mare. Struggle with endless concepts? Chemistry can be tough. Biology? Packed with content…
Instead of tearing your hair out, get on top of your Science exam revision with help from an experienced teacher. Our Manchester and Cheshire tutors help students year in year out reach for those A stars!
Even if you’re somewhere else in the UK or across the world, we can teach you online too. Get in touch with our private tuition team right here.
Tags: Biology, careers in Science, chemistry revision, examiners' reports, how to achieve an A* in science, how to revise for science exams, physics, revision flashcards, science assessments, science mocks, Science study techniques, study hacks